What is the St Matthew’s PTFA?

The PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) is a group of parents, staff and friends of St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School who meet to look at how we can raise extra funds to support the school. The association aims to support the students by providing and assisting in the provision of extra facilities and activities within the school. Educational and social events such as discos and quizzes are also organised termly by the PTFA.

The association plays an important role in drawing together families, the wider community and staff in a mutually supportive partnership as well as providing plenty of fun for all!

As a committee we have several leading positions including Chair and Treasurer. These roles steer the co-ordination of PTFA events and link closely on a regular basis with the Head teachers. We are looking for more helpers and new ideas to bring to the PTFA. All talents are welcome and there are opportunities to help as little or as much as you can.


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How much time is involved?

The PFTA meet every 4-6 weeks depending upon the events schedule. Meetings usually take place after school and usually last around an hour.

Do I need experience?

No, the PTFA benefits hugely from the ideas of new members as well as those with experience. What is important is your enthusiasm! The meetings are usually informal and a good way of linking together parents, staff and the local community.

If you’d like to find out more

Please get in touch with the PTFA, leave your name and contact details at the school office at any time and they can pass your details on.


The overall aim of the PTFA is:

  • To build strong and effective relationships with our families that go beyond the curriculum and learning.
  • To recognise and value parent’s/carer’s role in the education and learning process.

Dear Parent/Carer,

As your child is a member of St Matthew’s Catholic School, you are automatically a member of our PTFA… your voice really does count!

We are looking to relaunch our group to organise events to raise money for educational and fun purposes for our children, we also organise out of school social events too. Being active in the PTFA can be rewarding and fun, while at the same time raising vital funds for our children.

There are a variety of small ways you can help and be involved – from designing a poster, cleaning up after an event, making tea and coffee, baking cakes, helping out on a stall…so many ways.

It’s totally flexible

Giving up just 30 minutes of your time to help the PTFA is invaluable. If everyone could spare 30minutes a term to help, just think what we could achieve!

You don’t have to attend PTFA meetings – you can use our contact details to send in ideas for discussion.

You’ll feel more connected

Every PTFA event is an opportunity to meet other parents in the same situation as you.

There’s no better way to know what events are being planned, have your say or make new fundraising suggestions, than by offering your help and support.

We’re not just for Mums!

It’s important to our PTFA, our school and our pupils to have dads represented on our committee and to help reach out to other dads, are you a dad with a skill that would come in useful?

It’s Fun!

See the smiles on your children’s faces and know that you have played a part in making school a little more fun! Help plan fun events, socials and get-togethers. Suggest NEW fun ways to raise funds.


Our children are only at school for a relatively short time. PTFA events such as Disco and other social events will be remembered fondly by our children for a lifetime. The equipment and resources the PTFA helps fund, make learning even more engaging and fun.

Help us continue to create lasting memories for our children.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will reply as soon as possible. We aim to answer all inquiries as soon as possible.