Please find the National Online Safety guide for What Parents and Carers Need to Know about iPads below.
Download: What Parents and Carers Need to Know about iPads [PDF]
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When Apple unveiled the iPad in early 2010, they almost single-handedly rewrote people’s idea of what of a portable computing device was capable of – and sparked a tablet revolution. There are several very respectable imitators on the market now, but the iPad remains the standard bearer for tablet computers and still routinely shifts upwards of 40 million units every year.
Their immense popularity, of course, has made the iPad a familiar companion for children and young people: an auxiliary TV; an aid for schoolwork; and a blessing on long car journeys. That said, there are still some aspects of Apple’s flagship tablet that parents and carers should bear in mind to help protect their child from online risks – as our #WakeUpWednesday guide explains.
This guide highlights possible hazards including the risk of age-inappropriate content, physical damage to the device and potential screen addiction.