Download: Wraparound Care [PDF]
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs every morning from 7:45am.
The cost is £3 per child, per day and should be paid by standing order on 1st of every month from September to June.
Please complete the Registration Form below and either email it to school or pass it into the school office.
Please note that acceptance of this form is not a guarantee of a place but rather it puts your child onto the waiting list.
Children should be accompanied onto the school premises and into Breakfast Club by a parent / carer.
Download: Breakfast Club Application Form [PDF]
For parents / carers who are currently on the waiting list for Breakfast Club, have a look at Liverpool’s Early Help Directory Service; this website hosts a wealth of childcare information.
External Link: Liverpool Early Help Directory Service
Breakfast Club is where we get the day off to a great start. We enjoy a wide range of activities from yoga, art and mindfulness to puzzles, construction and story. All of our sessions are teacher-led with lots of help and ideas for everyone. We really like the lovely start to our day and we feel ready to learn in class.
St Matthews is proud to be part of the National School Breakfast Programme.
Download: National School Breakfast Programme [PDF]
Local Providers
Please find below some of the local providers in the area that provide Afterschool services.
Manager: Sheila Davlin
Contact: 0151 233 4597 or
Address: Ellergreen Road, L11 2RY
Download: Ellegreen Risk Assessment [PDF]
Download: Ellegreen Flyer [PDF]
Playstop & Little Owls
Manager: Julia Clarke
Contact: 0151 226 4374 or
Address: Lorenzo Road, L11 1BG
Download: Playstop & Little Owls Risk Assessment [PDF]
Kiddy Academy
Manager: Sara Hughes
Contact: 0151 345 5700 or
Address: Lowerson Road, L11 8LW