Outdoor Learning is one of the key priorities in this year’s SDP. As you are aware, we have very limited green space on-site and we needed to develop this further in order to give our children the best possible education. The health and wellbeing benefits of learning outdoors are well documented and explained in St Matthew’s Outdoor Learning policy 2020.
Children will be regularly attending learning off-site both at Windsor Gardens and our new allotment with the aim to include weekly or fortnightly sessions where all curriculum areas can be covered, not just science.
Download: Outdoor Learning Letter [PDF]
Download: Outdoor Learning News [PDF]
Wildflower Garden
St Matthew’s will be involved in developing a community garden at an area of green space adjacent to Cherry Lane Playing Fields. Initial plans after consultation with Barry Walker from Liverpool City Council and the National Wildflower Project for two swathes of wildflower areas at both the Cherry Lane and Queen’s Drive entrance to the park would be excellent. Collaboration with Everton in the Community may lead to further structures being built such as benches, bird boxes, and insect hotels. A wildflower garden would allow the area to be developed as an outdoor classroom for the children and could be used to enhance learning within Science, Art, and other areas of the curriculum. We are hoping for members of all year groups to be involved in the project. We are passionate to make the project successful and we will be contacting key Councillors, local businesses, and community leaders to emphasise the importance of the project and ask for their involvement and support to ensure the legacy of the project is long-lasting and meaningful.
Download: Windsor Gardens Project [PDF]
Future Plans
Here are the plans for our future outdoor classroom.