Update – October 2021
The last update to our Remote Learning pages was in March 2021 as children rejoined the school after the national lockdown ended.
You can see the latest information about Reception by clicking here.
For our latest COVID-19 information, please click here.
Thank you.
Hello Reception,
As we have to stay off school for a while we will be uploading work onto this page as well as onto our Class Dojo page.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.
Thank you for all of your hard work.
Miss Melville, Miss Connor & Miss McNally x
Oxford Owls
Smith’s Wood Primary Academy – E-Books from Oxford Owl
Reading is so important and because we can’t send your books home at the moment we have a link for Oxford Owls which gives you access to all of the reading books we have in school.
The student login is:
username: receptionmelville
password: stmatthews
It is very important that your child reads at the correct level for them, please note teachers will be sending your child’s level out to you today via Class Dojo.
All children should only be reading the eBook Library for Letters & Sounds.
We ask that you fill in the reading log below with any books that you read at home and upload the completed reading log onto Class Dojo on a Friday, have fun reading!
Hello Reception! We hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for your last week learning from home before we come back together in school next week!
Your virtual classroom has just been uploaded onto the class story and is attached below.
We have again written a suggested timetable for you to follow, it is only a suggestion so don’t feel like you have to stick to it. As always the virtual classroom contains activities for you to complete throughout the week.
Have fun and we can’t wait to see some pictures of the activities you have completed. X
Image result for monday clip art
Good Morning Reception, what a lovely sunny Monday morning! This is our last week of online learning and we cannot wait to see you all next week! For now here is a little good morning from Miss Connor. Happy Monday! x
Image result for the very hungry caterpillar
Here is today’s Literacy lesson with Miss Connor:
This literacy lesson is all about our new talk 4 write story The Very Hungry Caterpillar and continues with last week’s learning. We would love to see you having a go at retelling the story, make sure you upload a video of you practising the story.
World Book Day
World Book Day – 2021 | Pawprint Family
This year for world book day we are asking you to create a hat based on your favourite book.
Here is Miss Melville showing you an example of a hat you could make:
We can’t wait to see your hats on our class zoom calls on Thursday. If you have not had the link to your class zoom please contact the school office.
Thank you x
Good morning from Miss Melville:
We would love it if you could leave a little comment on class dojo to let us know how you are feeling today!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Lesson 5
Very Hungry Caterpillar Orange | Rupsje nooitgenoeg, Kinderboeken, Thema
Today we are learning the very last part of our talk for write story The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Here is the link to your literacy lesson with Miss Melville:
We would love to see a video of you retelling the full story using your talk for write actions!
We also mentioned the sequencing the story activity, this worksheet can be found on the virtual classroom.
Have fun x
Happy Wednesday Stock Illustrations – 1,115 Happy Wednesday Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart – Dreamstime
Thursday clipart, Picture #20394 thursday clipart
How you can celebrate a very 2021 World Book Day on Thursday 4 March! | National Literacy Trust
Good morning Reception,
Happy world book day!! We can not wait to see the lovely hats you have made later on today.
Please note the call will last half an hour and each class has there own time and link which are on Class Dojo and have been emailed out to parents.
Here are the times:
Miss Melville’s class (RM) – 12:30 – 13:00
Miss Connor’s class (RC) – 13:30 – 14:00
We hope to see lots of you there! x