Update – October 2021
The last update to our Remote Learning pages was in March 2021 as children rejoined the school after the national lockdown ended.
You can see the latest information about Year 6 by clicking here.
For our latest COVID-19 information, please click here.
Thank you.
Hello everyone, please have a look at this page and the dated sub-pages to find all of your home learning work packs and any extra information about learning at home!
You don’t have to print these packs off, you can take pictures of your work at home and send them to me via Class Dojo!
The activities in the pack will mirror what we will or would be doing in class.
Have a go at everything and try your best. Remember, I can offer you feedback and support through Class Dojo.
The weekly learning packs can be viewed on this page, Class Dojo and Google Classrooms. Paper copies can also be picked up from the school office if needed.
Home Learning Packs
Download: 2021-03-01 – Home Learning Pack [PDF]
Download: 2021-02-22 – Home Learning Pack [PDF]
Download: 2021-02-08 – Home Learning Pack [PDF]
Download: 2021-02-01 – Home Learning Pack [PDF]
Download: 2021-01-25 – Home Learning Pack [PDF]
Download: 2020-01-18 – Home Learning Pack
Download: 2021-01-11 – Home Learning Pack [PDF]
Download: 2021-01-04 – Home Learning Pack [PDF]
Oxford Owl
You also have access to over 550 brilliant eBooks. Visit www.oxfordowl.co.uk and click on ‘My class login’ to enter the eBook library.
Our class login details are below:
Class username: class6parry
Class password: stmatthews
Class username: class6brooks
Class password: stmatthews
Enjoy reading the wide range of fantastic books!
Download: OxfordOwl Reading Book Login Guide [PDF]
The Oak Academy
The Oak Academy have paired up with the National Literacy Trust to provide children with free access to a different ebook every week with additional video content and resources available too.
Check it out using the link below!
External Link: The Oak Academy
Times Table Rockstars
Remember to keep logging into to Times table Rockstars! You all have your passwords and it is really important to practise your times tables daily! 5 minutes a day will make a huge difference!
External Link: TT Rockstars
Spelling Shed
Your username is exactly the same as the beginning part of your St Matthew’s email.
For example:
You do not need to add the rest of the email, just the ’14’ and your 3 letters.
Then, your password to log in is exactly the same password you have for Google Classrooms!
Log in, play some of the games and perfect your spellings!
External Link: Spelling Shed
Useful Resources
Download: Useful Websites [PDF]
Download: Screen Filter Apps [PDF]
Download: Colorveil App [PDF]